Experience the warmth.
Join the family.

You’ll feel at home at YKOM.

Experience the warmth.
Join the family.

You’ll feel at home at YKOM.

Experience the warmth.
Join the family.

You’ll feel at home at YKOM.

Yeshiva Ketana of Manhattan has been proudly serving the
community for 37 years.

Its goal: to provide a quality Torah education to children on the Upper West Side and the Upper East Side, as well as in Riverdale and surrounding areas. YKOM’s pioneering preschool is ultra-modern in its methods and approach, and its facilities are cutting edge and forward thinking.

YKOM welcomes families across the religious spectrum,

providing strong kodesh and general studies education to all its students. Its high teacher-student ratio means personal attention for every student.

From your child’s first day at school, the menahel, rebbeim, and teachers have a growth mindset, focusing not just on his academic success, but also on his overall development. Together with you, he is gently and lovingly pushed toward success.

37 years old

180 students

40+ members
of staff

Faculty Snapshots


A World of Endless Possibilities.